Source code for pbcommand.models.common

"""Core models used in the ToolContract and Resolved ToolContract

Large parts of this are pulled from pbsmrtpipe.

Author: Michael Kocher
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import types
import warnings
import functools
import datetime
from collections import namedtuple

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


# Light weight Dataset metatadata. Use pbcore for full dataset functionality
DataSetMetaData = namedtuple("DataSetMetaData", 'uuid metatype')

class PacBioNamespaces(object):
    # File Types
    # PBSMRTPIPE_FILE_PREFIX = 'pbsmrtpipe.files'
    # NEW File Type Identifier style Prefix
    # New DataSet Identifier Prefix
    DATASET_FILE_PREFIX = "PacBio.DataSet"

    PB_INDEX = "PacBio.Index"

    # Task Ids
    PBSMRTPIPE_TASK_PREFIX = 'pbsmrtpipe.tasks'

    PB_TASK_TYPES = 'pbsmrtpipe.task_types'

    # Task Options
    PBSMRTPIPE_TASK_OPTS_PREFIX = 'pbsmrtpipe.task_options'
    # Workflow Level Options
    PBSMRTPIPE_OPTS_PREFIX = 'pbsmrtpipe.options'
    # Constants
    PBSMRTPIPE_CONSTANTS_PREFIX = 'pbsmrtpipe.constants'
    # Pipelines
    PBSMRTPIPE_PIPELINES = "pbsmrtpipe.pipelines"
    # Option Types
    PBSMRTPIPE_OPTS_TYPE = "pbsmrtpipe.option_types"

def __to_type(prefix, name):
    return ".".join([prefix, name])

to_constant_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.PBSMRTPIPE_CONSTANTS_PREFIX)
to_file_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.NEW_PBSMRTPIPE_FILE_PREFIX)
to_ds_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.DATASET_FILE_PREFIX)
to_task_option_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.PBSMRTPIPE_TASK_OPTS_PREFIX)
to_task_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.PBSMRTPIPE_TASK_PREFIX)
to_task_types_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.PB_TASK_TYPES)
to_workflow_option_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.PBSMRTPIPE_OPTS_PREFIX)
to_pipeline_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.PBSMRTPIPE_PIPELINES)
to_index_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.PB_INDEX)
to_opt_type_ns = functools.partial(__to_type, PacBioNamespaces.PBSMRTPIPE_OPTS_TYPE)

class TaskTypes(object):
    # This is really TC types

    STANDARD = to_task_types_ns("standard")
    SCATTERED = to_task_types_ns("scattered")
    GATHERED = to_task_types_ns("gathered")

[docs]class TaskOptionTypes(object): """Core Task Option type id type""" # FIXME(mpkocher)(2016-7-16) This should be more well defined, e.g., int32 and use the same id format of # For example, pacbio.option_types.int32 # Because of the Avro schema restrictions and to keep the keys short # in name, we'll use a dot let format. The legacy format used # pbsmrtpipe.option_types.* as the root namespace INT = "integer" BOOL = "boolean" STR = "string" FLOAT = "float" # Choice type Options CHOICE_STR = "choice_string" CHOICE_INT = "choice_integer" CHOICE_FLOAT = "choice_float" @classmethod
[docs] def ALL(cls): """Return a set of all Task Option Types""" return {cls.INT, cls.BOOL, cls.STR, cls.FLOAT, cls.CHOICE_STR, cls.CHOICE_INT, cls.CHOICE_FLOAT}
@classmethod def _raise_value_error(cls, value, allowed, option_type_name): raise ValueError("Incompatible task {o} option type id '{s}'. " "Allowed values {v}".format(o=option_type_name, s=value, v=",".join(allowed))) @classmethod
[docs] def ALL_SIMPLE(cls): """Returns a set of 'simple' task option types (e.g., boolean, string, int, float)""" return {cls.STR, cls.BOOL, cls.INT, cls.FLOAT}
[docs] def from_simple_str(cls, sx): """Validates a string is a validate task option type id or raise ValueError :raises ValueError """ if sx in cls.ALL_SIMPLE(): return sx else: cls._raise_value_error(sx, cls.ALL_SIMPLE(), "simple")
[docs] def ALL_CHOICES(cls): """Returns a set of choice task option types""" return {cls.CHOICE_INT, cls.CHOICE_FLOAT, cls.CHOICE_STR}
[docs] def is_choice(cls, sx): return sx in cls.ALL_CHOICES()
[docs] def from_choice_str(cls, sx): """Validates and returns a task choice option type or raises ValueError""" if sx in cls.ALL_CHOICES(): return sx else: cls._raise_value_error(sx, cls.ALL_CHOICES(), "choice")
[docs] def from_str(cls, sx): """Validates and returns a valid type option type id or raises ValueError, :note: For legacy reasons, "number" will be mapped to "float" """ # FIXME, Legacy fix, "number" appears to mean "float"? if sx == "number": sx = TaskOptionTypes.FLOAT if sx in TaskOptionTypes.ALL(): return sx else: cls._raise_value_error(sx, cls.ALL(), "")
[docs]class SymbolTypes(object): """ *Symbols* that are understood during resolving, such as max number of processors, Max Chunks. Used when defining a Tool Contract """ MAX_NPROC = '$max_nproc' MAX_NCHUNKS = '$max_nchunks' TASK_TYPE = '$task_type' RESOLVED_OPTS = '$ropts' SCHEMA_OPTS = '$opts_schema' OPTS = '$opts' NCHUNKS = '$nchunks' NPROC = '$nproc'
[docs]class ResourceTypes(object): """ Resources such as tmp dirs and files, log files. Used when defining a Tool Contract """ TMP_DIR = '$tmpdir' TMP_FILE = '$tmpfile' LOG_FILE = '$logfile' # tasks can write output to this directory OUTPUT_DIR = '$outputdir' # Not sure this is a good idea # TASK_DIR = '$taskdir' @classmethod
[docs] def ALL(cls): return cls.TMP_DIR, cls.TMP_FILE, cls.LOG_FILE, cls.OUTPUT_DIR
[docs] def is_tmp_resource(cls, name): return name in (cls.TMP_FILE, cls.TMP_DIR)
[docs] def is_valid(cls, attr_name): return attr_name in cls.ALL()
class _RegisteredFileType(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): super(_RegisteredFileType, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) != 4: log.error(args) raise ValueError("Incorrect initialization for {c}".format(c=cls.__name__)) file_type_id, base_name, file_ext, mime_type = args file_type = REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES.get(file_type_id, None) if file_type is None: file_type = super(_RegisteredFileType, cls).__call__(*args) #log.debug("Registering file type '{i}'".format(i=file_type_id)) REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES[file_type_id] = file_type else: # print warning if base name, ext, mime type aren't the same attrs_names = [('base_name', base_name), ('ext', file_ext), ('mime_type', mime_type)] for attrs_name, value in attrs_names: v = getattr(file_type, attrs_name) if v != value: _msg = "Attempting to register a file with a different '{x}' -> {v} (expected {y})".format(x=attrs_name, v=v, y=value) log.warn(_msg) warnings.warn(_msg) return file_type
[docs]class FileType(object): __metaclass__ = _RegisteredFileType def __init__(self, file_type_id, base_name, ext, mime_type): """ Core File Type data model :param file_type_id: unique file string :param base_name: default base name of the file (without extension) :param ext: file extension :param mime_type: file mimetype :return: """ self.file_type_id = file_type_id self.base_name = base_name self.ext = ext self.mime_type = mime_type if file_type_id not in REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES: REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES[file_type_id] = self @property def default_name(self): """ Default name of file alias for base_name""" return self.base_name # ".".join([self.base_name, self.ext]) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if self.file_type_id == other.file_type_id: if self.base_name == other.base_name: if self.ext == other.ext: return True return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): _d = dict(k=self.__class__.__name__, i=self.file_type_id, n=self.default_name) return "<{k} id={i} name={n} >".format(**_d)
class DataSetFileType(FileType): """File types that are a DataSet Type""" pass class MimeTypes(object): """Supported Mime types""" JSON = 'application/json' TXT = 'text/plain' CSV = 'text/csv' XML = 'application/xml' BINARY = 'application/octet-stream' PICKLE = 'application/python-pickle' GZIP = 'application/x-gzip' ZIP = 'application/zip'
[docs]class FileTypes(object): """Registry of all PacBio Files types This needs to be cleaned up and solidified. The old pre-SA3 file types need to be deleted. """ # generic Txt file TXT = FileType(to_file_ns('txt'), 'file', 'txt', MimeTypes.TXT) # Generic Log file LOG = FileType(to_file_ns('log'), 'file', 'log', MimeTypes.TXT) # Config file CFG = FileType(to_file_ns('cfg'), 'config', 'cfg', MimeTypes.TXT) # THIS NEEDS TO BE CONSISTENT with scala code. When the datastore # is written to disk the file type id's might be translated to # the DataSet style file type ids. REPORT = FileType(to_file_ns('JsonReport'), "report", "json", MimeTypes.JSON) # this will go away soon in favor of using a more type based model to # distinguish between scatter and gather file types CHUNK = FileType(to_file_ns("CHUNK"), "chunk", "json", MimeTypes.JSON) GCHUNK = FileType(to_file_ns("GCHUNK"), 'gather_chunk', "json", MimeTypes.JSON) SCHUNK = FileType(to_file_ns("SCHUNK"), "scatter_chunk", "json", MimeTypes.JSON) FASTA = FileType(to_file_ns('Fasta'), "file", "fasta", MimeTypes.TXT) FASTQ = FileType(to_file_ns('Fastq'), "file", "fastq", MimeTypes.TXT) # Not sure this should be a special File Type? INPUT_XML = FileType(to_file_ns('input_xml'), "input", "xml", MimeTypes.XML) FOFN = FileType(to_file_ns("generic_fofn"), "generic", "fofn", MimeTypes.TXT) MOVIE_FOFN = FileType(to_file_ns('movie_fofn'), "movie", "fofn", MimeTypes.TXT) RGN_FOFN = FileType(to_file_ns('rgn_fofn'), "region", "fofn", MimeTypes.TXT) RS_MOVIE_XML = FileType(to_file_ns("rs_movie_metadata"), "file", "rs_movie.metadata.xml", MimeTypes.XML) REF_ENTRY_XML = FileType(to_file_ns('reference_info_xml'), "", "xml", MimeTypes.XML) ALIGNMENT_CMP_H5 = FileType(to_file_ns('alignment_cmp_h5'), "alignments", "cmp.h5", MimeTypes.BINARY) # I am not sure this should be a first class file BLASR_M4 = FileType(to_file_ns('blasr_file'), 'blasr', 'm4', MimeTypes.TXT) BAM = FileType(to_file_ns('bam'), "alignments", "bam", MimeTypes.BINARY) BAMBAI = FileType(to_file_ns('bam_bai'), "alignments", "bam.bai", MimeTypes.BINARY) BED = FileType(to_file_ns('bed'), "file", "bed", MimeTypes.TXT) SAM = FileType(to_file_ns('sam'), "alignments", "sam", MimeTypes.BINARY) VCF = FileType(to_file_ns('vcf'), "file", "vcf", MimeTypes.TXT) GFF = FileType(to_file_ns('gff'), "file", "gff", MimeTypes.TXT) BIGWIG = FileType(to_file_ns('bigwig'), "annotations", "bw", MimeTypes.BINARY) CSV = FileType(to_file_ns('csv'), "file", "csv", MimeTypes.CSV) XML = FileType(to_file_ns('xml'), "file", "xml", 'application/xml') # Generic Json File JSON = FileType(to_file_ns("json"), "file", "json", MimeTypes.JSON) # Generic H5 File H5 = FileType(to_file_ns("h5"), "file", "h5", MimeTypes.BINARY) # Generic Python pickle XXX EVIL PICKLE = FileType(to_file_ns("pickle"), "file", "pickle", MimeTypes.PICKLE) # GZIPped archive GZIP = FileType(to_file_ns("gzip"), "file", "gz", MimeTypes.GZIP) ZIP = FileType(to_file_ns("zip"), "file", "zip", MimeTypes.ZIP) # ******************* NEW SA3 File Types ******************** # DataSet Types. The default file names should have well-defined agreed # upon format. See what Dave did for the bam files. # DS_SUBREADS_H5 = DataSetFileType(to_ds_ns("HdfSubreadSet"), "file", "hdfsubreadset.xml", MimeTypes.XML) DS_SUBREADS = DataSetFileType(to_ds_ns("SubreadSet"), "file", "subreadset.xml", MimeTypes.XML) DS_CCS = DataSetFileType(to_ds_ns("ConsensusReadSet"), "file", "consensusreadset.xml", MimeTypes.XML) DS_REF = DataSetFileType(to_ds_ns("ReferenceSet"), "file", "referenceset.xml", MimeTypes.XML) DS_ALIGN = DataSetFileType(to_ds_ns("AlignmentSet"), "file", "alignmentset.xml", MimeTypes.XML) DS_CONTIG = DataSetFileType(to_ds_ns("ContigSet"), "file", "contigset.xml", MimeTypes.XML) DS_BARCODE = DataSetFileType(to_ds_ns("BarcodeSet"), "file", "barcodeset.xml", MimeTypes.XML) DS_ALIGN_CCS = DataSetFileType(to_ds_ns("ConsensusAlignmentSet"), "file", "consensusalignmentset.xml", MimeTypes.XML) DS_GMAP_REF = DataSetFileType(to_ds_ns("GmapReferenceSet"), "file", "gmapreferenceset.xml", MimeTypes.XML) # PacBio Defined Formats # **** Index Files # ReferenceSet specific I_SAM = FileType(to_index_ns("SamIndex"), "file", "sam.index", MimeTypes.BINARY) I_SAW = FileType(to_index_ns("SaWriterIndex"), "file", "sa", MimeTypes.BINARY) # SMRT VIew specific files I_INDEXER = FileType(to_index_ns("Indexer"), "file", "fasta.index", MimeTypes.TXT) I_FCI = FileType(to_index_ns("FastaContigIndex"), "file", "fasta.contig.index", MimeTypes.TXT) # PacBio BAM pbi I_PBI = FileType(to_index_ns("PacBioIndex"), "file", "pbi", MimeTypes.BINARY) # This is duplicated from the old pre-DS era models. see BAMBAI I_BAI = FileType(to_index_ns("BamIndex"), "file", "bam.bai", MimeTypes.BINARY) # Fasta type files FASTA_BC = FileType("PacBio.BarcodeFile.BarcodeFastaFile", "file", "barcode.fasta", MimeTypes.TXT) # No ':' or '"' in the id FASTA_REF = FileType("PacBio.ReferenceFile.ReferenceFastaFile", "file", "pbreference.fasta", MimeTypes.TXT) CONTIG_FA = FileType("PacBio.ContigFile.ContigFastaFile", "file", "contig.fasta", MimeTypes.TXT) # Adapter Fasta File From PPA FASTA_ADAPTER = FileType("PacBio.SubreadFile.AdapterFastaFile", "file", "adapters.fasta", MimeTypes.TXT) FASTA_CONTROL = FileType("PacBio.SubreadFile.ControlFastaFile", "file", "control.fasta", MimeTypes.TXT) # BAM dialects BAM_ALN = FileType("PacBio.AlignmentFile.AlignmentBamFile", "file", "alignment.bam", MimeTypes.BINARY) BAM_SUB = FileType("PacBio.SubreadFile.SubreadBamFile", "file", "subread.bam", MimeTypes.BINARY) BAM_CCS = FileType("PacBio.ConsensusReadFile.ConsensusReadBamFile", "file", "ccs.bam", MimeTypes.BINARY) BAM_CCS_ALN = FileType("PacBio.AlignmentFile.ConsensusAlignmentBamFile", "file", "ccs_align.bam", MimeTypes.BINARY) # MK TODO. Add remaining SubreadSet files types, Scraps, HqRegion, etc.. BAZ = FileType("PacBio.ReadFile.BazFile", "file", "baz", MimeTypes.BINARY) TRC = FileType("PacBio.ReadFile.TraceFile", "file", "trc", MimeTypes.BINARY) PLS = FileType("PacBio.ReadFile.PulseFile", "file", "pls", MimeTypes.BINARY) # RS era BAX = FileType("PacBio.SubreadFile.BaxFile", "file", "bax.h5", MimeTypes.BINARY) # sts.xml STS_XML = FileType("PacBio.SubreadFile.ChipStatsFile", "file", "sts.xml", MimeTypes.XML) STS_H5 = FileType("PacBio.SubreadFile.ChipStatsH5File", "file", "sts.h5", MimeTypes.BINARY) # Resequencing Conditions File Format COND_RESEQ = FileType(to_file_ns("COND_RESEQ"), "file", "conditions-reseq.json", MimeTypes.JSON) @staticmethod
[docs] def is_valid_id(file_type_id): return file_type_id in REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES
[docs] def ALL_DATASET_TYPES(): return {i: f for i, f in REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES.iteritems() if isinstance(f, DataSetFileType)}
[docs] def ALL(): return REGISTERED_FILE_TYPES
def _get_timestamp_or_now(path, func): if os.path.exists(path): return func(path) else: return
[docs]class DataStoreFile(object): def __init__(self, uuid, source_id, type_id, path, is_chunked=False, name="", description=""): """ :param uuid: UUID of the datstore file :param source_id: source id of the DataStore file :param type_id: File Type id of :param path: Absolute path to the datastore file :param is_chunked: is the datastore file a "chunked" file from a scatter/chunking task :param name: Display name of datastore file :param description: Description of the datastore file """ # adding this for consistency. In the scala code, the unique id must be # a uuid format self.uuid = uuid # this must globally unique. This is used to provide context to where # the file originated from (i.e., the tool author self.file_id = source_id # Consistent with a value in FileTypes self.file_type_id = type_id self.path = path # FIXME(mkocher)(2016-2-23): This is probably not the best model self.file_size = os.path.getsize(path) if os.path.exists(path) else 0 self.created_at = _get_timestamp_or_now(path, lambda px: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(px))) self.modified_at = _get_timestamp_or_now(path, lambda px: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(px))) # Was the file produced by Chunked task self.is_chunked = is_chunked = name self.description = description def __repr__(self): _d = dict(k=self.__class__.__name__, i=self.file_id, t=self.file_type_id, p=os.path.basename(self.path)) return "<{k} {i} type:{t} filename:{p} >".format(**_d)
[docs] def to_dict(self): return dict(sourceId=self.file_id, uniqueId=str(self.uuid), fileTypeId=self.file_type_id, path=self.path, fileSize=self.file_size, createdAt=_datetime_to_string(self.created_at), modifiedAt=_datetime_to_string(self.modified_at), isChunked=self.is_chunked,, description=self.description)
[docs] def from_dict(d): # FIXME. This isn't quite right. to_a = lambda x: x.encode('ascii', 'ignore') to_k = lambda x: to_a(d[x]) is_chunked = d.get('isChunked', False) return DataStoreFile(to_k('uniqueId'), to_k('sourceId'), to_k('fileTypeId'), to_k('path'), is_chunked=is_chunked, name=to_a(d.get("name", "")), description=to_a(d.get("description", "")))
def _datetime_to_string(dt): return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
[docs]class DataStore(object): version = "0.2.2" def __init__(self, ds_files, created_at=None): """ :param ds_files: list of datastore file instances :param created_at: Date the datastore was created. if None, will use the current datetime :type ds_files: list[DataStoreFile] """ self.files = {f.uuid: f for f in ds_files} self.created_at = if created_at is None else created_at self.updated_at = def __repr__(self): _d = dict(n=len(self.files), k=self.__class__.__name__) return "<{k} nfiles={n} >".format(**_d)
[docs] def add(self, ds_file): if isinstance(ds_file, DataStoreFile): self.files[ds_file.uuid] = ds_file self.updated_at = else: raise TypeError("DataStoreFile expected. Got type {t} for {d}".format(t=type(ds_file), d=ds_file))
[docs] def to_dict(self): fs = [f.to_dict() for i, f in self.files.iteritems()] _d = dict(version=self.version, createdAt=_datetime_to_string(self.created_at), updatedAt=_datetime_to_string(self.updated_at), files=fs) return _d
[docs] def write_json(self, file_name): write_dict_to_json(self.to_dict(), file_name, "w")
[docs] def write_update_json(self, file_name): """Overwrite Datastore with current state""" write_dict_to_json(self.to_dict(), file_name, "w+")
[docs] def load_from_d(d): """Load DataStore from a dict""" ds_files = [DataStoreFile.from_dict(x) for x in d['files']] return DataStore(ds_files)
[docs] def load_from_json(path): """Load DataStore from a JSON file""" with open(path, 'r') as reader: d = json.loads( return DataStore.load_from_d(d)
def _is_chunk_key(k): return k.startswith(PipelineChunk.CHUNK_KEY_PREFIX) class MalformedChunkKeyError(ValueError): """Chunk Key does NOT adhere to the spec""" pass
[docs]class PipelineChunk(object): CHUNK_KEY_PREFIX = "$chunk." RX_CHUNK_KEY = re.compile(r'^\$chunk\.([A-z0-9_]*)') def __init__(self, chunk_id, **kwargs): """ kwargs is a key-value store. keys that begin "$chunk." are considered to be semantically understood by workflow and can be "routed" to chunked task inputs. Values that don't begin with "$chunk." are considered metadata. :param chunk_id: Chunk id :type chunk_id: str """ if self.RX_CHUNK_KEY.match(chunk_id) is not None: raise MalformedChunkKeyError("'{c}' expected {p}".format(c=chunk_id, p=self.RX_CHUNK_KEY.pattern)) self.chunk_id = chunk_id # loose key-value pair self._datum = kwargs def __repr__(self): _d = dict(k=self.__class__.__name__, i=self.chunk_id, c=",".join(self.chunk_keys)) return "<{k} id='{i}' chunk keys={c} >".format(**_d)
[docs] def set_chunk_key(self, chunk_key, value): """Overwrite or add a chunk_key => value to the Chunk datum the chunk-key can be provided with or without the '$chunk:' prefix """ if not chunk_key.startswith(PipelineChunk.CHUNK_KEY_PREFIX): chunk_key = PipelineChunk.CHUNK_KEY_PREFIX + chunk_key self._datum[chunk_key] = value
[docs] def set_metadata_key(self, metadata_key, value): """Set chunk metadata key => value metadata key must NOT begin with $chunk. format """ if metadata_key.startswith(PipelineChunk.CHUNK_KEY_PREFIX): raise ValueError("Cannot set chunk-key values. {i}".format(i=metadata_key)) self._datum[metadata_key] = value
@property def chunk_d(self): return {k: v for k, v in self._datum.iteritems() if _is_chunk_key(k)} @property def chunk_keys(self): return self.chunk_d.keys() @property def chunk_metadata(self): return {k: v for k, v in self._datum.iteritems() if not _is_chunk_key(k)}
[docs] def to_dict(self): return {'chunk_id': self.chunk_id, 'chunk': self._datum}
[docs]class DataStoreViewRule(object): """ Rule specifying if and how the UI should display a datastore file. """ def __init__(self, source_id, file_type_id, is_hidden, name="", description=""): """ :param source_id: Unique source id of the datastore file :param file_type_id: File Type id of the datastore file :param is_hidden: Mark the file has hidden :param name: Display name of the file :param description: Description of the file """ # for generating rules compositionally in Python, it's easier to just # pass the FileType object directly if isinstance(file_type_id, FileType): file_type_id = file_type_id.file_type_id assert FileTypes.is_valid_id(file_type_id), file_type_id self.source_id = source_id self.file_type_id = file_type_id self.is_hidden = is_hidden = name self.description = description
[docs] def to_dict(self): return {"sourceId": self.source_id, "fileTypeId": self.file_type_id, "isHidden": self.is_hidden, "name":, "description": self.description}
[docs] def from_dict(d): return DataStoreViewRule(d['sourceId'], d['fileTypeId'], d['isHidden'], d.get('name', ''), d.get('description', ''))
[docs]class PipelineDataStoreViewRules(object): """ A collection of DataStoreViewRule objects associated with a pipeline. """ def __init__(self, pipeline_id, smrtlink_version, rules=()): self.pipeline_id = pipeline_id self.smrtlink_version = smrtlink_version self.rules = list(rules)
[docs] def to_dict(self): return {"pipelineId": self.pipeline_id, "smrtlinkVersion": self.smrtlink_version, "rules": [r.to_dict() for r in self.rules]}
[docs] def from_dict(d): return PipelineDataStoreViewRules( pipeline_id=d['pipelineId'], smrtlink_version=d['smrtlinkVersion'], rules=[DataStoreViewRule.from_dict(r) for r in d['rules']])
[docs] def load_from_json(path): with open(path, 'r') as reader: d = json.loads( return PipelineDataStoreViewRules.from_dict(d)
[docs] def write_json(self, file_name): write_dict_to_json(self.to_dict(), file_name)
def write_dict_to_json(d, file_name, permission="w"): with open(file_name, permission) as f: s = json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')) f.write(s) RX_TASK_ID = re.compile(r'^([A-z0-9_]*)\.tasks\.([A-z0-9_]*)$') RX_TASK_OPTION_ID = re.compile(r'^([A-z0-9_]*)\.task_options\.([A-z0-9_\.]*)') def _validate_id(prog, idtype, tid): if prog.match(tid): return tid else: raise ValueError("Invalid format {t}: '{i}' {p}".format(t=idtype, i=tid, p=repr(prog.pattern))) validate_task_id = functools.partial(_validate_id, RX_TASK_ID, 'task id') validate_task_option_id = functools.partial(_validate_id, RX_TASK_OPTION_ID, 'task option id')
[docs]class BasePacBioOption(object): # This is an abstract class. This really blurring the abstract with # implementation which makes the interface unclear. # This MUST be a validate TaskOptionTypes.* value. OPTION_TYPE_ID = "UNKNOWN" @classmethod
[docs] def validate_core_type(cls, value): """ Every Option has a "core" type that needs to validated in the constructor. The function should return the value Subclasses should implement :param value: Option value :return: validated value """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def validate_option(self, value): """Core method used externally (e.g., resolvers) to validate option The default implementation will only validate that the "core" type is consistent with definition. Subclasses should override this to leverage internal state (e.g, self.choices) """ return self.validate_core_type(value)
def __init__(self, option_id, name, default, description): """ Core constructor for the PacBio Task Option. :param option_id: PacBio Task Option type id. Must adhere to the A-z0-9_ :param name: Display name of the Task Option :param default: Default value :param description: Description of the Task Option :type option_id: str :type name: str :type description: str """ self.option_id = validate_task_option_id(option_id) = name self._default = self.validate_core_type(default) self.description = description # make sure subclasses have overwritten the OPTION_TYPE_ID. # this will raise if self.OPTION_TYPE_ID not in TaskOptionTypes.ALL(): msg = "InValid Task Option type id {t} Subclasses of {c} must " \ "override OPTION_TYPE_ID to have a consistent value with " \ "TaskOptionTypes.*".format(t=self.OPTION_TYPE_ID, c=self.__class__.__name__) raise ValueError(msg) @property def default(self): """Returns the default value for the option""" return self._default def __repr__(self): _d = dict(i=self.option_id,, v=self.default, k=self.__class__.__name__, t=self.OPTION_TYPE_ID) return "<{k} {i} name: {n} default: {v} type:{t} >".format(**_d)
[docs] def to_dict(self): option_type = TaskOptionTypes.from_str(self.OPTION_TYPE_ID) # the same model is used in the pipeline template, so we break the # snake case in favor of camelcase for the option type id. return dict(id=self.option_id,, default=self.default, description=self.description, optionTypeId=option_type)
def _type_error_msg(value, expected_type): return "{v} Expected {t}, got {x}".format(v=value, t=expected_type, x=type(value)) def _strict_validate_int_or_raise(value): def _to_msg(type_): return _type_error_msg(value, type_) if isinstance(value, types.BooleanType): raise TypeError(_to_msg(types.BooleanType)) elif isinstance(value, types.FloatType): raise TypeError(_to_msg(types.FloatType)) elif isinstance(value, types.StringType): raise TypeError(_to_msg(types.StringType)) else: return int(value) def _strict_validate_bool_or_raise(value): if isinstance(value, types.BooleanType): return value raise TypeError(_type_error_msg(value, types.BooleanType)) def _strict_validate_float_or_raise(value): def _to_msg(type_): return _type_error_msg(value, type_) if isinstance(value, types.BooleanType): raise TypeError(_to_msg(types.BooleanType)) elif isinstance(value, types.StringType): raise TypeError(_to_msg(types.StringType)) else: return float(value) def _strict_validate_string_or_raise(value): # Not supporting unicode in any way if isinstance(value, str): return value raise TypeError(_type_error_msg(value, str))
[docs]class PacBioIntOption(BasePacBioOption): OPTION_TYPE_ID = TaskOptionTypes.INT @classmethod
[docs] def validate_core_type(cls, value): return _strict_validate_int_or_raise(value)
[docs]class PacBioFloatOption(BasePacBioOption): OPTION_TYPE_ID = TaskOptionTypes.FLOAT @classmethod
[docs] def validate_core_type(cls, value): return _strict_validate_float_or_raise(value)
[docs]class PacBioBooleanOption(BasePacBioOption): OPTION_TYPE_ID = TaskOptionTypes.BOOL @classmethod
[docs] def validate_core_type(cls, value): return _strict_validate_bool_or_raise(value)
[docs]class PacBioStringOption(BasePacBioOption): OPTION_TYPE_ID = TaskOptionTypes.STR @classmethod
[docs] def validate_core_type(cls, value): return _strict_validate_string_or_raise(value)
def _strict_validate_default_and_choices(core_type_validator_func): """ :param core_type_validator_func: Function (value) => value or raises TypeError Returns a func of (value, choices) => value, choices or raises TypeError or Value Error. """ def wrap(value, choices): for choice in choices: core_type_validator_func(choice) v = core_type_validator_func(value) if v not in choices: raise ValueError("Default value {v} is not in allowed choices {c}".format(v=value, c=choices)) return v, choices return wrap _strict_validate_int_choices = _strict_validate_default_and_choices(_strict_validate_int_or_raise) _strict_validate_str_choices = _strict_validate_default_and_choices(_strict_validate_string_or_raise) _strict_validate_bool_choices = _strict_validate_default_and_choices(_strict_validate_bool_or_raise) _strict_validate_float_choices = _strict_validate_default_and_choices(_strict_validate_float_or_raise) class BaseChoiceType(BasePacBioOption): # This really should be Abstract def __init__(self, option_id, name, default, description, choices): super(BaseChoiceType, self).__init__(option_id, name, default, description) _, validated_choices = self.validate_core_type_with_choices(default, choices) self.choices = validated_choices @classmethod def validate_core_type_with_choices(cls, value, choices): raise NotImplementedError def validate_option(self, value): v, _ = self.validate_core_type_with_choices(value, self.choices) return v def to_dict(self): d = super(BaseChoiceType, self).to_dict() d['choices'] = self.choices return d
[docs]class PacBioIntChoiceOption(BaseChoiceType): OPTION_TYPE_ID = TaskOptionTypes.CHOICE_INT @classmethod
[docs] def validate_core_type(cls, value): return _strict_validate_int_or_raise(value)
[docs] def validate_core_type_with_choices(cls, value, choices): return _strict_validate_int_choices(value, choices)
[docs]class PacBioStringChoiceOption(BaseChoiceType): OPTION_TYPE_ID = TaskOptionTypes.CHOICE_STR @classmethod
[docs] def validate_core_type(cls, value): return _strict_validate_string_or_raise(value)
[docs] def validate_core_type_with_choices(cls, value, choices): return _strict_validate_str_choices(value, choices)
[docs]class PacBioFloatChoiceOption(BaseChoiceType): OPTION_TYPE_ID = TaskOptionTypes.CHOICE_FLOAT @classmethod
[docs] def validate_core_type(cls, value): return _strict_validate_float_or_raise(value)
[docs] def validate_core_type_with_choices(cls, value, choices): return _strict_validate_float_choices(value, choices)