Source code for pbcommand.engine.runner

"""Utils for Running an external process"""

import logging
import tempfile
import shlex
import platform
import subprocess
import time
from collections import namedtuple

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ExtCmdResult = namedtuple("ExtCmdResult", "exit_code cmd run_time")

[docs]def run_cmd(cmd, stdout_fh, stderr_fh, shell=True, time_out=None, env=None, executable="/bin/bash"): """Run external command :param: cmd: External command :param time_out: Timeout in seconds. :type time_out: None | int :return: ExtCmdResult This could all be bundled into a context manager with RunCommand('/path/stdout', '/path/to/stderr') as r: r.exe("echo 'exe1') r.exe("echo 'exe2') result = r.get_result() # close the file handles """ # Clarify with Dave # add simple usecase with no file handles, get stderr back as str # stdout, stderr. In general, stdout can be large # add env={} # sleeptime scaling started_at = time.time() # Most of the current pacbio shell commands have aren't shlex-able if not shell: cmd = shlex.split(cmd) hostname = platform.node() log.debug("calling cmd '{c}' on {h}".format(c=cmd, h=hostname)) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=stderr_fh, stdout=stdout_fh, shell=shell, executable=executable, env=env) # This needs a better dynamic model max_sleep_time = 5 sleep_time = 0.1 dt = 0.1 process.poll() while process.returncode is None: process.poll() time.sleep(sleep_time) run_time = time.time() - started_at if time_out is not None: if run_time > time_out: log.warn("Exceeded TIMEOUT of {t}. Killing cmd '{c}'".format(t=time_out, c=cmd)) try: # ask for forgiveness model process.kill() except OSError: # already been killed pass if sleep_time < max_sleep_time: sleep_time += dt run_time = time.time() - started_at run_time = run_time returncode = process.returncode log.debug("returncode is {r} in {s:.2f} sec.".format(r=process.returncode, s=run_time)) return ExtCmdResult(returncode, cmd, run_time)